My DjangoCon EU slides are online

publié le 4 June 2012

[fr] Les transparents de mon intervention à la DjangoCon EU 2012 sur l'Implémentation de langages spécialisés dans une application Django sont disponibles en ligne.

If you missed my presentation at DjangoCon EU 2012 about Implementing Domain-Specific Languages in Django Applications – or if you saw it but want to have a closer look at the code examples, my slides are available online.

Note: They were made with the semi-experimental (but great) landslide html5 slide generator. Use left and right arrows to navigate. If you get some trouble viewing the slides, try pressing c to "toggle current slide context (previous and next slides)". If that doesn't work, you might want to reload the page and/or try some of the other keys mentioned in the help (press h).

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